CIS, the school that Steve and I work for have a per-school called Learning Ladder. As staff members, we get tuition for free for our kids, plus we can have the flexibility of sending her whenever we see appropriate because we have Josefina to pick her whenever we need her to. So, because we are leaving Singapore in 6 months we figured we all needed a bit of ‘training’ for life in Canada. We need Madi to know that she will need to get up in the morning and get ready to go, we need her to know that she will be with other kids for the day and we need her to know that there will be no more Josefina. So this perfect, we started her at 3 mornings a week, Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 9-11:45am. This way she gets a morning full of activity and gets to come home for lunch and her nap. We are hoping by the end of our time here that she will be able to do mornings five days per week.
Of course the biggest bonus of all of this is MADI LOVES SCHOOL!!!
She is loving the big slide and goes down on her tummy now. She is learning to cut and she loves to paint and draw and glue, she had made some adorable things so far!She wears a uniform and has a little school bag that my mom made her, so she is adorable!Here are a few pictures for you to see.