Madi’s birthday was the week after we returned so we took her to the botanical gardens, which she enjoyed. Then we had cake later on in the day.
We went again to the Botanical Gardens for a friend’s birthday, which was a lot of fun, it poured rain and the boys played a new game called Speed Croquet and had a blast.
Steve’s birthday was next and we went our for dinner, just the 2 of us to Clarke Quay and did the reverse Bungee then on Sunday afternoon we had a BBQ around the pool, so nice to get everyone together and Steve loved BBQing, although he missed propane a lot!
We decided this year to not go on the staff get-away to Sibu island and instead spend the money and time doing things around Singapore. So we went to the bird park and we went out for Champagne Brunch at the Fullerton.
Other things that have been happening, a friend’s 40th, we went out for Fondue, so yummy.
We had a “bling” party and a “purple” party…people like themes here!
Madi loves to paint
And I went and learned how to make perogies!! So delicious!
The next thing that we did was go to Cambodia, that entry is next…I hope!
Below...the bird park, Madi playing with her Dora Doll
Steven and Grayl on the BBQ
Steve and Charla
Steve and Charla
Hey Guys...don't know how else to contact you but I need to let Steve know that H/R at the board is trying to contact him. I guess water works is a no go.
Cheers and hope all is well.
We just love to see your pictures and keep up with your busy life. I'm so glad to see Madi has a wagon and a bike. We miss you guys very much. We never have roast beef now because everyone we might share it with likes it well done!!!!
We look forward to Sunday dinners again soon.
Liove Mom & Dad
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