Thursday, January 29, 2009

Life in Singapore in November

Here are a few more photos of life in Singapore in November. We had our annual Thanksmas dinner at Steve and Lisa’s. It is a great night of friends and fantastic food!
We also had our staff Christmas party the last Saturday of November.
Thanksmas at Lisa and Steve's. Me and Madi, Calico, Carrie and Ali
Madi has a sucker!

Putting up the tree in November

Madi's first time putting up ornaments and candy canes!

Madi and I

Carrie and I at Thanksmas

Lisa and I

Steven in the kitchen cooking us the feast!

Lisa's creative flair!

Christmas party

The boys and babies!Luke (Hailey), Adam, Shawn(Graden), Steve(Madi), Simon, Chris and Steve


doing our crackers

Kendra with her food baby

Steve and I at the Christmas party

Me, Christina, Charla and Claire

Me and Ms. Carol (the EA that I get to work with!)

Me and Cha Cha!

The Grade One Team, Back row is Nancy Fredin, Me, Deanna Odland, Nancy Purdy, Lucinda Doucette. Front Row: Diana Smith, Sue Williams, Bianca Barber, Claire Wylie and Chrisitna Watters

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, nice blog! I have been trying to contact Bianca Barber who is on your blog, not sure how to get hold of her after she left SCIS in Pudong?
Would you have a contact email address for her or can I reach her through CIS in Singapore?
Thanks in advance.
Chris Bredbury