We arrived back from India on a Thursday. We took Madi to school on Friday morning so that she would remember it, she LOVED it and was so excited to return!
We got a few more pics of her there.
We also had Steve’s Aunt Carol and her husband Bill come to visit! They arrived on the Wednesday after we started back to work. They came over for 7 weeks, traveling in and out of Singapore, so we have pictures throughout the months. It was so much fun sharing our life with them! Madi loved having them too!
It was also a close friend of ours, Charla’s, 30th birthday, so we had a fabulous day to celebrate!
down the big slide on her tummy!
Madison's very own cubby!
The cranes working 24/7 to build a casino!
Singapore's beautiful skyline
Down at Glutton's bay Hawker centre
She loves the big slide at outdoor play at school
she loves to cut cut cut! Madi at school
Madi loving her potty...no she is not potty trained yet!
Champagne breakfast
Charla;s birthday breakfast, pancakes with fruit and whip cream, made by Steve!
Carol and Bill
Singapore at night...the merlion
Carrie, Julie and Lisa
Dinner at the White Rabbit
Cupcakes and icing!
Everybody relaxing at Botanical Gardens for Charla's birthday
Picnic at the park for charla's birthday!
Where's Madi...
How we keep Madi entertained at High Tea!
Charla's birthday gift from Lisa and Steven...
Me and Cha Cha at teh White Rabbit for Dinner for her birthday
Daddy and Madi before bed
shopping down on Orchard after high tea
High Tea at the Shangri La, such a nice way to spend a Sunday!
Ready for the pool!
Chinese New Year at Madison's school! They all dressed up and did Chinese new Year activities
Madi digs in straight away!
the class!
cute Chinese Dress Madi!
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