The flight was very quick to Melbourne and arrival was super easy. We decided to rent a car while in Melbourne because we flew into an airport that was about a 40 minute drive from the airport and we also wanted to drive on the Great Ocean Road. As it turned out, getting a car was a great idea, we had a great time booting around the city and we were able to do everything we wanted to do.
We were extremely fortunate to be staying with a friend from school, Carolyn Jones’ daughter, Liz. We had never met Liz, so this was particularly nice of her to let us stay, not just one person, but a whole family.
We arrived at about 11am and so we headed straight for the city. We walked along the Yarra river, had some lunch and looked into some shops. Steve bought a winter hat so he can keep that bald head warm. The weather was beautiful so it was really nice to just walk around. We then decided we should head into St. Kilda beach, we were not sure how to get there or how long it would take,s o off we went. As it turns out it was super easy to get to and it only took about 15 minutes. We found her address and tried to call. There was a mix up with her number, so we ended up waiting for awhile until she returned home. She was so gracious and made us feel very welcome (even though I am sure she was cursing her mom for offering her place!) Madi made herself at home and then we went for a walk in the area, it was already dark, as the sun goes down at 5:30 in the winter, but it was nice to walk around and get to chat with Liz. We had souvlaki and headed back to her place.
The next day we headed to the Victoria Market. We had a great time exploring all the neat things they had there. Steve bought his Didgeridoo (a Native Australian instrument) and some new boots. We also bought some Native art work. After the market we just walked along the shopping streets, enjoying this great city. That night we met Liz at the Telstra Dome (Etihad Stadium) to see some Aussie Rules Rugby. This was lots of fun, a much different game to league, but neat to be there and see the differences. It was late when we headed home so we went to bed straight away.
The next day we headed out on the Great Ocean Road. The weather wasn’t clear blue sky that we would have wanted, but it was still beautiful. It was nice to drive through little towns and stop to look around or grab a bite to eat. Madi was amazing in the car, considering this was the first time she has been in car seat at the back of a car for a long time. Madi was developing quite a cough, so we stopped and got her medicine, this cough did not stop until we were well into our New Zealand trip. But antibiotics fixed her up and she is as good as new.
We drove to the 12 Apostles and then on to the Grotto. We got tons of great pictures and we awed by the scenery.
It was a great day of driving and seeing part of Melbourne.
The next day we decided to hand around St. Kilda beach and check out the area. It was a Sunday, so they had a market going on, so that was fun. Then we went to the famous Luna Park and Madi went on her very first Roller Coaster! She has been on plenty of rides at Disney and stuff, but this was her first roller coaster, we went on the one that goes around the whole park, it was fun!
Then we made our way to the ‘cake street’…it does have a proper name, but there are so many cake shops! We had lunch and I chose a treat from the cake shop…only one because Madi was falling asleep and we ran out of time.
That night, after Madi’s nap, we took Liz out for dinner to the South Bank to a place called the Meat and Wine Company…we had a delicious aussie steaks and a really nice time.
The following day we decided to go out to Philip’s island and see the Penguins. It was not a far drive and it turned out to be a fabulous day, thanks to all of our friend Sue’s tips, actually the whole trip was wonderful because she sent us so many tips after living there for two years.
Anyway, on our way out to Philip’s Island we stopped at a farm and Madi got to feed Kangaroos! She loved it and continues to talk about it now!
We then made our way to the Island. We went out to the Seal Rocks, but did not see any seals, it was still very pretty. Then we took a tour with a guide at the penguin place, she told us some neat information and we got to see where the penguins burrow as well as secure the best seats for later. While we waited for dark, (the penguins don’t come in until dark), we shopped and Madi picked out a little penguin that’s he has yet to put down.
When the sun had set we headed down. We were not allowed to talk or move, we had to remain seated, and at no time were we allowed to take pictures, so we will just have to trust our memories. Finally we saw the first group emerge, it was so cool! They are so little, standing only about 30-40 cm tall, so they are quite cute. All of us got a kick out watching them come in and find their friends and their homes. Tons of them came in, it was really neat. When we were leaving I was carrying Madi and she seemed like she wanted down, so I said, Madi do you want to walk, and she said, no I want to waddle. So cute! So I put her down and she waddled all the way to the car!
The next day was our day to fly to Sydney early in the morning and then fro Sydney fly to Auckland, so we said our thank yous and good byes to Liz and went to bed early.
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